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Who we are is a small group of like minded individuals who attempt to live by a simple tenet to improve the lives of those around us, in turn improving our own lives.


  • Our goal is to increase the sum total of happiness, while decreasing the sum total of suffering.

The core values that underpin this tenet are:

  • Consent
    • Individual autonomy is key to allow individuals to seek their own happiness and to value other's consent as highly as their own.
  • Equity
    • Equitable access to resources would allow everyone to pursue their own goals to acheive their personal happiness, while not diminishing other's ability to pursue their happiness.
  • Moderation
    • All things in moderation, even moderation. Pursuing pleasure to excess can lead to negative consequences, both for individuals and for society as a whole.
  • Education
    • Without proper education, it is impossible to give informed consent or make decisions to help further the long term goals.
  • Naturlism
    • Using scientific method to observe the natural world allows us to look both at the sources of happiness and suffering to better understand them, as well as how to drive progress forward in a way that upholds the core tenant.
  • Tolerance
    • By promoting harmony and reducing conflict, we can coexist as a whole.

The haven, a barn with a rainbow flag across it